Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ETL501 Making a start

Finally making a proper start on this subject! The week my assignment is due. Once again I have focused on one subject (and that not very well).

In the forum, Bloom's taxonomy and Gardner's multiple intelligences have been linked and students have suggested combining them together in a table format for a variety of learning activities to suit students. Many had not seen this before and were surprised by it. It made me realise just how clever and on the ball my friend Amy was in third year uni - she created one of those tables for one of our group assignments. I think it is a wonderful way to cater for different learning styles and to take Bloom's taxonomy into account so that there is a focus on cognitive objectives as well as knowledge gain.

Jenna suggested this website as a good resource on the forum - I think it is definitely a good start, though you may wish to come up with your own activities as Amy did all those years ago... well, three.

Multiple Intelligences and Bloom's Taxonomy Grids

1 comment:

  1. I dropped 501 for this semester... I have used the Blooms/Gardner grid many times in my teaching and it is an effective and easy tool for preparing units. It also makes the rubric a lot easier to prepare for the assessment phase.
