My final assignment has been submitted! I am still a busy lady, with teaching work, tutoring and the rest, but I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I officially graduate in December, so I am not going to completely celebrate until then - but I am starting to wonder what I am going to do with this blog once I am no longer a teacher librarian in the making, but an actual qualified one... I know that I will always be improving my skills and increasing my knowledge, so I don't want to change the title of the blog too much, but I feel that some kind of change will be needed. Let me know if you have any ideas! I fully intend to continue blogging, and hope to make it more informative to potential readers, rather than pure reflection like it has been much of the time so far.
Ok, I had better concentrate on planning my next two days of teaching, and thinking about the rest of the term ahead...
An online diary, left open for all to read and relate, detailing the journey of a Teacher Librarian through her Master degree and beyond, hoping to be someone who inspires today's youth to read and learn for life.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The light at the end of the tunnel...
cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by lrargerich
I am almost there. So close now. I am not sure if I love this moment of a degree or hate it. I think I hate it. I just want this last assignment to write itself! I know it is an important one, and that I will get a lot out of it. I am hoping that this blog will help to make it easier - I am actually concerned that I have blogged too much and it is going to be difficult to get the pieces of information I need from amongst everything else. We shall see. I had better get stuck into it - it is time to embrace this final stage of the journey...
Thursday, October 6, 2011
More of Module 6
Ok, so maybe a few more questions before I get stuck into the assignment (I am perhaps a little scared of the assignment questions?)...
Exercise 22
Using ADDC14 or DDC 22 create the classification number for ‘School libraries in Wagga Wagga’. Then truncate, if necessary, your classification number to SCIS standards following the guidelines in 3:D4. The answer is at the end of the module.
027.8 *School libraries
027.8093-027.8099 Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities
"Class specific institutions in 027.8 ."
-944 New South Wales (Table 2)
This is WAY too long. Would have to cut off the 44, so it is just specific to "other parts of the world"
Now to check it... Oh dear I am not sure what I've done. Not only did I not truncate it enough, but I had too many 9s in there... let me double check... Oh, I put 994 instead of 944 but I've changed it now, so you shouldn't get confused until I start saying that I did it wrong...
Apparently I should not have gone to NSW with the abridged version (which I suspected, but couldn't remember where I saw that), so 027.80994 (to Australia).
Truncation though... should have been:
Wow, I just learned something that had been bugging me before! :)
Standard subdivisions should only be applied to works which cover or approximate the whole of the subject (SCIS Classification Ch 3), and THE WAY TO TELL THIS is by the notes... If it is the title of the number then that's obvious, but if it is listed in the notes as "class here", then it is considered to approximate the whole (DDC 22 Introduction , 7.16).
Ok, I've been reading up about the SCIS standards for classification (Chapter 3 of SCIS standards for cataloguing and data entry)
From the module: "To use these standards you should first locate the relevant classification number in ADDC14 or DDC22. Then check to see if there are SCIS decisions relating to that classification number or parts of that classification number, e.g. tables used. If there are they must be followed."Then make sure that none of the other aspects of this SCIS document apply to the numbers in question.
Exercise 23
Determine the classification number which would be assigned to items on the following subjects using DDC22 or ADDC14 and the SCIS interpretations and decisions on these standards. Answers are at the end of the module.
a. An American English language general encyclopaedia
030 General encyclopaedic works
(I am actually really confused about this one... I'm not sure what to do...)
Oh, SCIS standards, 3:E9 "all English-language encyclopaedias are classed at 030"
b. Model kite making
Manual 745.5928 (Lots of information about which class to go for...)
629.133 Aircraft types
"Including airplanes, airships (dirigibles), balloons, gliders, helicopters, kites and their models and miniatures"
SCIS standards: "Class the making of toy kites in 745.592"
745.592 Models and miniatures
c.William Shakespeare’s love poems
822.3 William Shakespeare
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
SCIS standards, p. 3-33: "822.3: Book numbers for works by or about Shakespeare will consist of the first three letters of the main entry heading."
So, 822.3.. and then letters? No, I don't think so.
According to the answers, it should be just 822 - English Poetry. This clashes with what I was told by the workbook and I am very confused by it. But I have looked at the assignment questions and Shakespeare is not mentioned, so I am going to move on...
Note: Clarified in forum - 822.3 is a Drama subdivision, the subject here was poetry! :)
d. Aboriginal mythology
SCIS standards 3:D6 "To give emphasis and a shorter number to religion, spirituality and creation stories of the Australian Aboriginal peoples, the permanently unassigned number 298 is used"
3:E11 "298 Class here religion, spirituality and creation stories of the Australian Aboriginal peoples."
e.Adopted children
306.874 Parent-child relationship (Relative Index)
"Including ... adopted children ..."
No SCIS decision, so:
f. Teaching reasoning and problem solving
371.102 Teaching
153.4 Thought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment
"Including problem solving"
-071 Education (Table 1)
"Class here curricula, study (education), teaching"
SCIS standards, 3:E10: "153.4 - Avoid using, unless the work is clearly a work of psychology. Class ‘how to’ works on thinking skills and works on teaching reasoning and problem-solving at 160."
160 (the statement above indicates that no further subdivision is required).
g. Eucalyptus trees
SCIS standards, 3:E14 - "582.16 p. 547 Do not use this number for works on specific kinds of trees. Prefer 583–588. For example, Eucalyptus 583."
583 (Because apparently Eucalyptus trees are dicots... you learn something every day :-S)
h. Henry Lawson’s poetry
821 English poetry (found through summaries)
SCIS standards: 3E:17 "820.1–828 para. 4 p. 750
Distinguish English-language literature of Australia by the initial letter A and of New Zealand by the letters NZ. Do not distinguish English-language literatures of any other country."
A821(with maybe a little help from the answers cos I went off completely on the wrong track...)
i. The architecture of castles in Spain
690 Buildings (from summaries)
-09 Historical, geographic, persons treatment (Table 1)
-46 Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands Spain (Table 2)
WRONG TRACK Good lesson - to check all the links to the manual...
720 Architecture
725 Public structures
"Class comprehensive works on castles in 728.8"
728.8 Large and elaborate private dwellings
"Including palaces, comprehensive works on architecture of castles" (which does approximate the whole doesn't it, so we could use the whole thing? Oh, no it doesn't! It says "including", not "class here")
So: it cannot be subdivided further.728.8
j. Birds of Australia.
598 †Birds
"† Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 592-599 ..."
592-599 "Treatment by areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical regions Do not use; class in base number without use of notation from Table 1"
(I interpreted this as meaning don't put 09 in the number, but perhaps this is not the case? If not, what does it mean? Is it only talking about areas in general, not specific areas?)
-94 Australia (Table 2)
Nothing in SCIS standards.
598.94 (Apparently it is 598.0994 according to the answers)
I have asked about the last one on the forum. Now it is time for dinner - I'm starving!
Exercise 22
Using ADDC14 or DDC 22 create the classification number for ‘School libraries in Wagga Wagga’. Then truncate, if necessary, your classification number to SCIS standards following the guidelines in 3:D4. The answer is at the end of the module.
027.8 *School libraries
027.8093-027.8099 Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities
"Class specific institutions in 027.8 ."
-944 New South Wales (Table 2)
This is WAY too long. Would have to cut off the 44, so it is just specific to "other parts of the world"
Now to check it... Oh dear I am not sure what I've done. Not only did I not truncate it enough, but I had too many 9s in there... let me double check... Oh, I put 994 instead of 944 but I've changed it now, so you shouldn't get confused until I start saying that I did it wrong...
Apparently I should not have gone to NSW with the abridged version (which I suspected, but couldn't remember where I saw that), so 027.80994 (to Australia).
Truncation though... should have been:
Wow, I just learned something that had been bugging me before! :)
Standard subdivisions should only be applied to works which cover or approximate the whole of the subject (SCIS Classification Ch 3), and THE WAY TO TELL THIS is by the notes... If it is the title of the number then that's obvious, but if it is listed in the notes as "class here", then it is considered to approximate the whole (DDC 22 Introduction , 7.16).
Ok, I've been reading up about the SCIS standards for classification (Chapter 3 of SCIS standards for cataloguing and data entry)
From the module: "To use these standards you should first locate the relevant classification number in ADDC14 or DDC22. Then check to see if there are SCIS decisions relating to that classification number or parts of that classification number, e.g. tables used. If there are they must be followed."Then make sure that none of the other aspects of this SCIS document apply to the numbers in question.
Exercise 23
Determine the classification number which would be assigned to items on the following subjects using DDC22 or ADDC14 and the SCIS interpretations and decisions on these standards. Answers are at the end of the module.
a. An American English language general encyclopaedia
030 General encyclopaedic works
(I am actually really confused about this one... I'm not sure what to do...)
Oh, SCIS standards, 3:E9 "all English-language encyclopaedias are classed at 030"
b. Model kite making
Manual 745.5928 (Lots of information about which class to go for...)
629.133 Aircraft types
"Including airplanes, airships (dirigibles), balloons, gliders, helicopters, kites and their models and miniatures"
SCIS standards: "Class the making of toy kites in 745.592"
745.592 Models and miniatures
c.William Shakespeare’s love poems
822.3 William Shakespeare
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
SCIS standards, p. 3-33: "822.3: Book numbers for works by or about Shakespeare will consist of the first three letters of the main entry heading."
So, 822.3.. and then letters? No, I don't think so.
According to the answers, it should be just 822 - English Poetry. This clashes with what I was told by the workbook and I am very confused by it. But I have looked at the assignment questions and Shakespeare is not mentioned, so I am going to move on...
Note: Clarified in forum - 822.3 is a Drama subdivision, the subject here was poetry! :)
d. Aboriginal mythology
SCIS standards 3:D6 "To give emphasis and a shorter number to religion, spirituality and creation stories of the Australian Aboriginal peoples, the permanently unassigned number 298 is used"
3:E11 "298 Class here religion, spirituality and creation stories of the Australian Aboriginal peoples."
e.Adopted children
306.874 Parent-child relationship (Relative Index)
"Including ... adopted children ..."
No SCIS decision, so:
f. Teaching reasoning and problem solving
371.102 Teaching
153.4 Thought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment
"Including problem solving"
-071 Education (Table 1)
"Class here curricula, study (education), teaching"
SCIS standards, 3:E10: "153.4 - Avoid using, unless the work is clearly a work of psychology. Class ‘how to’ works on thinking skills and works on teaching reasoning and problem-solving at 160."
160 (the statement above indicates that no further subdivision is required).
g. Eucalyptus trees
SCIS standards, 3:E14 - "582.16 p. 547 Do not use this number for works on specific kinds of trees. Prefer 583–588. For example, Eucalyptus 583."
583 (Because apparently Eucalyptus trees are dicots... you learn something every day :-S)
h. Henry Lawson’s poetry
821 English poetry (found through summaries)
SCIS standards: 3E:17 "820.1–828 para. 4 p. 750
Distinguish English-language literature of Australia by the initial letter A and of New Zealand by the letters NZ. Do not distinguish English-language literatures of any other country."
A821(with maybe a little help from the answers cos I went off completely on the wrong track...)
i. The architecture of castles in Spain
690 Buildings (from summaries)
-09 Historical, geographic, persons treatment (Table 1)
-46 Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands Spain (Table 2)
WRONG TRACK Good lesson - to check all the links to the manual...
720 Architecture
725 Public structures
"Class comprehensive works on castles in 728.8"
728.8 Large and elaborate private dwellings
"Including palaces, comprehensive works on architecture of castles" (which does approximate the whole doesn't it, so we could use the whole thing? Oh, no it doesn't! It says "including", not "class here")
So: it cannot be subdivided further.728.8
j. Birds of Australia.
598 †Birds
"† Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 592-599 ..."
592-599 "Treatment by areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical regions Do not use; class in base number without use of notation from Table 1"
(I interpreted this as meaning don't put 09 in the number, but perhaps this is not the case? If not, what does it mean? Is it only talking about areas in general, not specific areas?)
-94 Australia (Table 2)
Nothing in SCIS standards.
598.94 (Apparently it is 598.0994 according to the answers)
I have asked about the last one on the forum. Now it is time for dinner - I'm starving!
abridged Dewey Classification,
SCIS classification,
Abridged Dewey Workbook Review exercises
Exercise 11: Review exercises
Remember that the discipline plus the subject determines the classification number. Use
the summaries, schedules, and Relative Index to select appropriate numbers for the
following topics:
1. A history of Somalia since 1980
900 History and Geography
960 History of Africa
967.73 *Somalia
* * Add as instructed under 930-990 .
930-990 History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 9 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 ... ; then add further as follows:
[00901-00905] Historical periods: Do not use; class in 01-09
01-09 Historical periods: Add to 0 the period division numbers following 0 from the appropriate continent, country, locality in 930-990"
-6773 Somalia (Table 2)
I'm not sure what to do about the historical period... Under Somalia in the schedule there are some timeframes broken down, but they don't match up.... Oh wait, I think I have to go up to the continent and take the subdivision from there, the numbers following the 0... Nope, that doesn't work... I think the "do not use" part up above means that it stays simple just using the number you find for that country under history? Ok I have to check the answers I can't take it anymore...
967.73 Grr, I do pick the earlier period! So:
967.7305 1960- (After this it gets too specific to include 1980s+)
So, lesson learned - when looking for time frames, check the schedule, and it does not have to fit exactly, as long as the item fits within that time frame.
2. A French dictionary
400 Language
440 French and related languages
443 French dictionaries (Found through summaries)
Double check:
440 Romance languages French
-3 Dictionaries of the standard form of the language (Table 4)
Something to remember:
T4-3 Dictionaries-specific languages (Index)
T1-03Dictionaries-specific subject (Index)
Note: These two dictionary numbers are worth committing to memory. Use Table
1 notation 03 for dictionaries of a specific subject, but Table 4 notation 3 for
dictionaries of a specific language.
3. Concentration camps
(Note: for this section in brackets WebDewey had reverted back to the full version :-L)
Searched "concentration camps" in all fields
Double check:
Looking up the schedule, this number seems to fit. Interesting to note the note:
"Class camps as a part of the Holocaust in 940.53185 ;
Class prisoner-of-war camps in 940.5472 "
No apparently I am wrong, so I am going to have another look...
365.45 Institutions for political prisoners and related classes of persons
"Class here concentration camps"
Which is different to the answer book (I think perhaps the workbook is out of date, because it says it says this at 365, which it doesn't... Oh wait, maybe it's reverted to the full version again... oh it has! :-O Grrrrr!! Let's try again...))
This time it went straight to
365 Penal and related institutions
"Including concentration camps"
Still interesting to note: "For concentration camps associated with a specific war , see the war , e.g., World War II concentration camps 940.53 ."
4. Belsen (a concentration camp in World War II)
940.53 World War II, 1939-1945 (from note from previous question)
"Including welfare services to Holocaust victims [formerly also 362.87 ]; Holocaust, 1933-1945 "
5. An analysis of classical Greek grammar
400 Language
480 Classical & modern Greek languages
-5 Grammar of the standard form of the language Syntax of the standard form of the language (Table 4)
485 (Does the fact that it's an analysis need any attention? Apparently not :) I should have double checked the method of subdivision at 481-488 "Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 48 notation T4--1-T4--8 from Table 4")
6. Growing pears
500 Science (Summaries)
580 Plants (Botany) (Summaries)
(Or would it be in technology, as it is about production of pears?)
At 580: "Interdisciplinary works on plants of agricultural importance relocated to 630"
630 Agriculture and related technologies
Double checking the 500s and it is sending me in circles! Thinking I will check the answer soon...
Searched all fields for "fruit" which produced
634 Orchards, fruits, forestry
And finally I got on the right track... 634 is correct.
Something to remember: If I cannot find a term in the schedule/index, then look for a broader term - it should have been my immediate response to look for fruit when pears did not produce any results.
7. Boxing
700 Arts and recreation (Summaries)
790 Sports, games & entertainment (Summaries)
Searched all fields for "boxing"
796.83 Boxing (Down through Athletic and outdoor sports and games, and Combat sports)
8. Exercises for percussion instruments
780 Music (Summaries)
786.8 Percussion instruments (Relative Index)
"* Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1-780.9 for the instrument and its music together, for its music alone ."
-076 Review and exercise (Table 1)
780.76 Review, exercises, examinations, works for self-instruction
so need to apply 076 to percussion instruments...
786.8076 Still did not find confirmation of how to apply subdivision from Table 1 though... It seems a bit vague.
9. Education of women
305.4 Women (Relative Index)
"For a specific aspect of women not provided for here , see the aspect , e.g., women's suffrage 324.6 , education of women 371.822 ."
371.822 Women--education
371.821-371.829 Subdivisions for specific kinds of students; for schools for specific kinds of students
Add to base number 371.82 the numbers following T1--08 in notation T1--081-T1--089 from Table 1
-082 Women (Table 1)
10. Education of blind gifted women.
371.821-371.829 Subdivisions for specific kinds of students; for schools for specific kinds of students
Add to base number 371.82 the numbers following T1--08 in notation T1--081-T1--089 from Table 1
-082 Women (Table 1)
"For women with characteristics of another group (other than a specific ethnic and national group) , see the group , e.g., unmarried mothers T1--086 , but Chinese women T1--082 , not T1--089 ."
-087 Persons with disabilities and illnesses, gifted persons
371.827 Do I not worry about the fact that they are women?
Ok I am using the answers to help me now...
371.91 Students with physical disabilities (searched for "blind" in the relative index)
371.95 *Gifted students (searched for "gifted in the relative index)
"* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 371.9 ."
371.9 Special Education
"Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference
(Gifted students first at 371.95)" So:
Wow, Ok. I might give some of the assignment questions a go now as I am running out of time... If I feel I need more revision I will come back and do some more. First it's time for a break - to cook some chicken soup :)
Remember that the discipline plus the subject determines the classification number. Use
the summaries, schedules, and Relative Index to select appropriate numbers for the
following topics:
1. A history of Somalia since 1980
900 History and Geography
960 History of Africa
967.73 *Somalia
* * Add as instructed under 930-990 .
930-990 History of ancient world; of specific continents, countries, localities; of extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 9 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 ... ; then add further as follows:
[00901-00905] Historical periods: Do not use; class in 01-09
01-09 Historical periods: Add to 0 the period division numbers following 0 from the appropriate continent, country, locality in 930-990"
-6773 Somalia (Table 2)
I'm not sure what to do about the historical period... Under Somalia in the schedule there are some timeframes broken down, but they don't match up.... Oh wait, I think I have to go up to the continent and take the subdivision from there, the numbers following the 0... Nope, that doesn't work... I think the "do not use" part up above means that it stays simple just using the number you find for that country under history? Ok I have to check the answers I can't take it anymore...
967.73 Grr, I do pick the earlier period! So:
967.7305 1960- (After this it gets too specific to include 1980s+)
So, lesson learned - when looking for time frames, check the schedule, and it does not have to fit exactly, as long as the item fits within that time frame.
2. A French dictionary
400 Language
440 French and related languages
443 French dictionaries (Found through summaries)
Double check:
440 Romance languages French
-3 Dictionaries of the standard form of the language (Table 4)
Something to remember:
T4-3 Dictionaries-specific languages (Index)
T1-03Dictionaries-specific subject (Index)
Note: These two dictionary numbers are worth committing to memory. Use Table
1 notation 03 for dictionaries of a specific subject, but Table 4 notation 3 for
dictionaries of a specific language.
3. Concentration camps
(Note: for this section in brackets WebDewey had reverted back to the full version :-L)
Searched "concentration camps" in all fields
Double check:
Looking up the schedule, this number seems to fit. Interesting to note the note:
"Class camps as a part of the Holocaust in 940.53185 ;
Class prisoner-of-war camps in 940.5472 "
No apparently I am wrong, so I am going to have another look...
365.45 Institutions for political prisoners and related classes of persons
"Class here concentration camps"
Which is different to the answer book (I think perhaps the workbook is out of date, because it says it says this at 365, which it doesn't... Oh wait, maybe it's reverted to the full version again... oh it has! :-O Grrrrr!! Let's try again...))
This time it went straight to
365 Penal and related institutions
"Including concentration camps"
Still interesting to note: "For concentration camps associated with a specific war , see the war , e.g., World War II concentration camps 940.53 ."
4. Belsen (a concentration camp in World War II)
940.53 World War II, 1939-1945 (from note from previous question)
"Including welfare services to Holocaust victims [formerly also 362.87 ]; Holocaust, 1933-1945 "
5. An analysis of classical Greek grammar
400 Language
480 Classical & modern Greek languages
-5 Grammar of the standard form of the language Syntax of the standard form of the language (Table 4)
485 (Does the fact that it's an analysis need any attention? Apparently not :) I should have double checked the method of subdivision at 481-488 "Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 48 notation T4--1-T4--8 from Table 4")
6. Growing pears
500 Science (Summaries)
580 Plants (Botany) (Summaries)
(Or would it be in technology, as it is about production of pears?)
At 580: "Interdisciplinary works on plants of agricultural importance relocated to 630"
630 Agriculture and related technologies
Double checking the 500s and it is sending me in circles! Thinking I will check the answer soon...
Searched all fields for "fruit" which produced
634 Orchards, fruits, forestry
And finally I got on the right track... 634 is correct.
Something to remember: If I cannot find a term in the schedule/index, then look for a broader term - it should have been my immediate response to look for fruit when pears did not produce any results.
7. Boxing
700 Arts and recreation (Summaries)
790 Sports, games & entertainment (Summaries)
Searched all fields for "boxing"
796.83 Boxing (Down through Athletic and outdoor sports and games, and Combat sports)
8. Exercises for percussion instruments
780 Music (Summaries)
786.8 Percussion instruments (Relative Index)
"* Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1-780.9 for the instrument and its music together, for its music alone ."
-076 Review and exercise (Table 1)
780.76 Review, exercises, examinations, works for self-instruction
so need to apply 076 to percussion instruments...
786.8076 Still did not find confirmation of how to apply subdivision from Table 1 though... It seems a bit vague.
9. Education of women
305.4 Women (Relative Index)
"For a specific aspect of women not provided for here , see the aspect , e.g., women's suffrage 324.6 , education of women 371.822 ."
371.822 Women--education
371.821-371.829 Subdivisions for specific kinds of students; for schools for specific kinds of students
Add to base number 371.82 the numbers following T1--08 in notation T1--081-T1--089 from Table 1
-082 Women (Table 1)
10. Education of blind gifted women.
371.821-371.829 Subdivisions for specific kinds of students; for schools for specific kinds of students
Add to base number 371.82 the numbers following T1--08 in notation T1--081-T1--089 from Table 1
-082 Women (Table 1)
"For women with characteristics of another group (other than a specific ethnic and national group) , see the group , e.g., unmarried mothers T1--086 , but Chinese women T1--082 , not T1--089 ."
-087 Persons with disabilities and illnesses, gifted persons
371.827 Do I not worry about the fact that they are women?
Ok I am using the answers to help me now...
371.91 Students with physical disabilities (searched for "blind" in the relative index)
371.95 *Gifted students (searched for "gifted in the relative index)
"* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 371.9 ."
371.9 Special Education
"Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference
(Gifted students first at 371.95)" So:
Wow, Ok. I might give some of the assignment questions a go now as I am running out of time... If I feel I need more revision I will come back and do some more. First it's time for a break - to cook some chicken soup :)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Chapter 13 of Abb Dewey Workbook - Table 4
420-490 Specific languages useful for instruction.
Exercise 10: Number building: Adding Table 4 to 400 language
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. A dictionary of English synonyms
420 English & Old English languages
423 Dictionaries of standard English
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard form of the language
"Including ... synonym dictionaries"
420.1-428 Subdivisions of English language
"Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 42 notation T4--01-T4--8 from Table 4 , e.g., grammar of English language 425"
423 is therefore the number required for this.
2. An English-German dictionary (with entry words in English only)
(browsed for "bilingual dictionaries" in the relative index)
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard from of the language
"A bilingual dictionary with entry words in only one language is classed with that language, e.g., an English-French dictionary 423"
423 Dictionaries of Standard English
3. An English-German German-English bilingual dictionary (for libraries in Englishspeaking
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard from of the language
"A bilingual dictionary with entry words in both languages is classed with the language in which it will be the more useful"
433 Dictionaries of standard German (43 - German, -3 from table 4 for dictionaries)
4. An Italian-German German-Italian bilingual dictionary (classification with either
language is equally useful)
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard from of the language
"If classification with either language is equally useful, give priority to the language coming later in the sequence 420-490 , e.g., French-German, German-French dictionaries 443"
450 Italian
430 German
453 Dictionaries of standard Italian
5. Grammaire française (a work describing morphology and syntax)
445 Grammar of standard French
Base of 44 for French
-5 Grammar of the standard form of the language Syntax of the standard form of the language (Table 4)
6. A Russian grammar (a traditional language textbook).
491.7 East Slavic languages Russian
491.78 Standard Russian usage (Prescriptive linguistics) Applied linguistics
"Add to base number 491.78 the numbers following T4--8 in notation T4--8001-T4--86 from Table 4"
T4--82 Structural approach to expression (Okay, so I cheated a little bit... there is no way I knew to click on this one!)
"Formal (traditional) presentation of grammar..."
Bed time! Goodnight....
Exercise 10: Number building: Adding Table 4 to 400 language
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. A dictionary of English synonyms
420 English & Old English languages
423 Dictionaries of standard English
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard form of the language
"Including ... synonym dictionaries"
420.1-428 Subdivisions of English language
"Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 42 notation T4--01-T4--8 from Table 4 , e.g., grammar of English language 425"
423 is therefore the number required for this.
2. An English-German dictionary (with entry words in English only)
(browsed for "bilingual dictionaries" in the relative index)
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard from of the language
"A bilingual dictionary with entry words in only one language is classed with that language, e.g., an English-French dictionary 423"
423 Dictionaries of Standard English
3. An English-German German-English bilingual dictionary (for libraries in Englishspeaking
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard from of the language
"A bilingual dictionary with entry words in both languages is classed with the language in which it will be the more useful"
433 Dictionaries of standard German (43 - German, -3 from table 4 for dictionaries)
4. An Italian-German German-Italian bilingual dictionary (classification with either
language is equally useful)
T4--3 Dictionaries of the standard from of the language
"If classification with either language is equally useful, give priority to the language coming later in the sequence 420-490 , e.g., French-German, German-French dictionaries 443"
450 Italian
430 German
453 Dictionaries of standard Italian
5. Grammaire française (a work describing morphology and syntax)
445 Grammar of standard French
Base of 44 for French
-5 Grammar of the standard form of the language Syntax of the standard form of the language (Table 4)
6. A Russian grammar (a traditional language textbook).
491.7 East Slavic languages Russian
491.78 Standard Russian usage (Prescriptive linguistics) Applied linguistics
"Add to base number 491.78 the numbers following T4--8 in notation T4--8001-T4--86 from Table 4"
T4--82 Structural approach to expression (Okay, so I cheated a little bit... there is no way I knew to click on this one!)
"Formal (traditional) presentation of grammar..."
Bed time! Goodnight....
Chapter 12 of Workbook - Table 3
I am now learning about Table 3 which has a focus on the 800 section (Literature). There is lots of helpful information on the use of modified notation 09 in the section ‘Literary criticism’ of the Manual note 800.
A point to remember: "because you are using the abridged edition, you must make a special effort to remember that all works of or about literature of specific periods and of or about specific genres of poetry, drama, fiction, etc., do not have specific numbers. They have what is called standing
room in broad numbers."
The basic difference between items that are classfied in the 800s and items that aren't, is that those that are are designed to entertain (are "written to delight" (David & New, 1997)).
Useful chunk of the text for this process:
"Then, assuming your work is really literature (and your library does not use an option),
you must take the following steps:
1. Determine the literature or family of literatures represented by the work, then find
the matching schedule number, e.g., 840 for Romance languages or French (with
84 serving as base number for French). Either your number is complete, or you are
instructed to go to Table 3 to complete it.
2. Determine if the work is limited to a single literary form, and select the matching
Table 3 notation, e.g., notation 1 for poetry to build 841 for French poetry. If your
work is by or about a single author, your number is now complete. If your work
represents literature in general, however, you must first take what is shown here as
step 3 before you get to literary form.
3. This step is used only for works by or about more than one author. Determine if
modified standard subdivisions notation 08 (for collected texts) and 09 (for history
and criticism) can be added, e.g., 840.8 for collections of French literature, or
841.009 for history and criticism of French poetry.
4. Determine if any of the unmodified standard subdivisions are applicable, e.g.,
notation 03 for an encyclopedia of French literature 840.3."
Exercise 9: Number Building: Adding Table 3 to 800 Literature
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. Dutch 20th-century poetry
839.31 Dutch literature
839[.3108-839.3109] History and description with respect to kinds of persons; historical, geographic, persons treatment - "Do not use; class in 839.31"
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
T3--1001-T3--1009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal
"Add to T3--100 as instructed under T3--1-T3--8 , e.g., collections of poetry T3--1008 ; however, do not add for poetry of specific genres or periods, e.g., collections of epic poetry, of lyric poetry, of 20th century poetry T3--1 (not T3--1008 )"
839.311 Nope, apparently I can't add any further subdivision to the original number because "Dutch literature" does not have an "add note"... :-S so:
2. A collection of 20th-century poetry from several literatures and by more than one
800 Literature, rehetoric & criticism
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
-08 Collections of literary texts in more than one form (Table 3)
808.8 Collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
"Class collections of works limited to a specific literary form and ... limited to a specific period ... in 808.81-808.88 , without adding further from the table under 808.81-808.87 .
808.81 I somehow got it, but did it the wrong way. I should have understood this next bit when I read it....:
808.81-808.87 Collections in specific forms (under 808.8 Collections of literary texts from more than two literatures)
"Add to base number 808.8 the numbers following 808 in 808.1-808.7"
808.1 Rhetoric of poetry
So, applying the instructions above we take 808.8 and add the 1 from Rhetoric of poetry to create a number which represents collections of literary texts from more than two literatures, that are poetry.
3. Critical appraisal of drama
809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
809.1-809.7 Literature in specific forms
"Add to base number 809 the numbers following 808 in 808.1-808.7..."
808.2 Rhetoric of drama
809.2 (Yay, I got it right! I did it the long way, but still! (Apparently it was in the index if I'd looked it up right?))
Dinner time... I never seem to be able to get much done before I have to stop again! Will finish these, and all the exercises, after tea...
4. Cambodian poetry
895.9 Literatures of miscellaneous languages of Southeast Asia; Munda literatures ("Including literatures in Austroasiatic languages, e.g., Khmer (Cambodian)")
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
895.91 Apparently this is wrong, as the original number is not allowed to be subdivided because "Cambodian literature does not have its own number" (Davis & New, 1997, p. 76).
So thing I learned from this one: If something does not have its own number, but is sharing it with other countries, then it cannot be subdivided... I wonder if this applies to things in other areas of the schedule. How do I know when I cannot/should not subdivide further?
5. A collection of English poetry by various authors
820.1-828 Subdivisions of English literature
" Add to base number 82 as instructed at beginning of Table 3 , e.g., a collection of English poetry 821.008"
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
T3--1001-T3--1009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal
"Add to T3--100 as instructed under T3--1-T3--8 , e.g., collections of poetry T3--1008"
I was unable to find any instruction under T3--1-T3--8 about adding to T3--100, in fact I couldn't find 100 mentioned anywhere, but am able to work out the following from the things I have mentioned here:
(And I guess I found it and understand having followed the instructions... I was very close and obviously understood what was needed which is promising, but it is frustrating that I can go in circles for so long and still not be sure! I am worried about how I'm going to feel about the assignment...)
6. A collection of poetry of the Elizabethan period
821 English Poetry
T3--1001-T3--1009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal
"Add to T3--100 as instructed under T3--1-T3--8 , e.g., collections of poetry T3--1008..."
-8 Collections of literary texts (from table at T3--1-T3--8)
Oh no! Failed to notice something yet again!
It says this in the notes at T3--0: 2. " In Table 3 find the subdivision for the literary form, e.g., poetry T3--1 . Add this to the base number, e.g., English poetry 821. If the work ... deals with or falls within a limited time period, the class number is complete."
7. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
822.3 Shakespeare, William (But this is talking about the man himself, rather than Romeo and Juliet)
Base number 82
T3--2 Drama
See Manual at T3--2 vs. T3--1
"Use T3--2 for poetic plays intended for theatrical presentation, such as the plays of Shakespeare"
822 (Remembering: "If the work is by or about an individual author ... the class number is complete (from T3--0)).
Come to think of it... it does make more sense to file works by Shakespeare together under his own little number... he is a rare author in which you can do that, so in trying to be too clever I got the wrong answer - it is:
822.3 Shakespeare, William!
Davis, S., & New, G. (1997). DDC 13 Workbook: a practical introduction to the
abridged Dewey Classification. (pp.1-75). Wagga Wagga, NSW :
Centre for Information Studies.
A point to remember: "because you are using the abridged edition, you must make a special effort to remember that all works of or about literature of specific periods and of or about specific genres of poetry, drama, fiction, etc., do not have specific numbers. They have what is called standing
room in broad numbers."
The basic difference between items that are classfied in the 800s and items that aren't, is that those that are are designed to entertain (are "written to delight" (David & New, 1997)).
Useful chunk of the text for this process:
"Then, assuming your work is really literature (and your library does not use an option),
you must take the following steps:
1. Determine the literature or family of literatures represented by the work, then find
the matching schedule number, e.g., 840 for Romance languages or French (with
84 serving as base number for French). Either your number is complete, or you are
instructed to go to Table 3 to complete it.
2. Determine if the work is limited to a single literary form, and select the matching
Table 3 notation, e.g., notation 1 for poetry to build 841 for French poetry. If your
work is by or about a single author, your number is now complete. If your work
represents literature in general, however, you must first take what is shown here as
step 3 before you get to literary form.
3. This step is used only for works by or about more than one author. Determine if
modified standard subdivisions notation 08 (for collected texts) and 09 (for history
and criticism) can be added, e.g., 840.8 for collections of French literature, or
841.009 for history and criticism of French poetry.
4. Determine if any of the unmodified standard subdivisions are applicable, e.g.,
notation 03 for an encyclopedia of French literature 840.3."
Exercise 9: Number Building: Adding Table 3 to 800 Literature
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. Dutch 20th-century poetry
839.31 Dutch literature
839[.3108-839.3109] History and description with respect to kinds of persons; historical, geographic, persons treatment - "Do not use; class in 839.31"
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
T3--1001-T3--1009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal
"Add to T3--100 as instructed under T3--1-T3--8 , e.g., collections of poetry T3--1008 ; however, do not add for poetry of specific genres or periods, e.g., collections of epic poetry, of lyric poetry, of 20th century poetry T3--1 (not T3--1008 )"
839.311 Nope, apparently I can't add any further subdivision to the original number because "Dutch literature" does not have an "add note"... :-S so:
2. A collection of 20th-century poetry from several literatures and by more than one
800 Literature, rehetoric & criticism
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
-08 Collections of literary texts in more than one form (Table 3)
808.8 Collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
"Class collections of works limited to a specific literary form and ... limited to a specific period ... in 808.81-808.88 , without adding further from the table under 808.81-808.87 .
808.81 I somehow got it, but did it the wrong way. I should have understood this next bit when I read it....:
808.81-808.87 Collections in specific forms (under 808.8 Collections of literary texts from more than two literatures)
"Add to base number 808.8 the numbers following 808 in 808.1-808.7"
808.1 Rhetoric of poetry
So, applying the instructions above we take 808.8 and add the 1 from Rhetoric of poetry to create a number which represents collections of literary texts from more than two literatures, that are poetry.
3. Critical appraisal of drama
809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
809.1-809.7 Literature in specific forms
"Add to base number 809 the numbers following 808 in 808.1-808.7..."
808.2 Rhetoric of drama
809.2 (Yay, I got it right! I did it the long way, but still! (Apparently it was in the index if I'd looked it up right?))
Dinner time... I never seem to be able to get much done before I have to stop again! Will finish these, and all the exercises, after tea...
4. Cambodian poetry
895.9 Literatures of miscellaneous languages of Southeast Asia; Munda literatures ("Including literatures in Austroasiatic languages, e.g., Khmer (Cambodian)")
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
895.91 Apparently this is wrong, as the original number is not allowed to be subdivided because "Cambodian literature does not have its own number" (Davis & New, 1997, p. 76).
So thing I learned from this one: If something does not have its own number, but is sharing it with other countries, then it cannot be subdivided... I wonder if this applies to things in other areas of the schedule. How do I know when I cannot/should not subdivide further?
5. A collection of English poetry by various authors
820.1-828 Subdivisions of English literature
" Add to base number 82 as instructed at beginning of Table 3 , e.g., a collection of English poetry 821.008"
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
T3--1001-T3--1009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal
"Add to T3--100 as instructed under T3--1-T3--8 , e.g., collections of poetry T3--1008"
I was unable to find any instruction under T3--1-T3--8 about adding to T3--100, in fact I couldn't find 100 mentioned anywhere, but am able to work out the following from the things I have mentioned here:
(And I guess I found it and understand having followed the instructions... I was very close and obviously understood what was needed which is promising, but it is frustrating that I can go in circles for so long and still not be sure! I am worried about how I'm going to feel about the assignment...)
6. A collection of poetry of the Elizabethan period
821 English Poetry
T3--1001-T3--1009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal
"Add to T3--100 as instructed under T3--1-T3--8 , e.g., collections of poetry T3--1008..."
-8 Collections of literary texts (from table at T3--1-T3--8)
Oh no! Failed to notice something yet again!
It says this in the notes at T3--0: 2. " In Table 3 find the subdivision for the literary form, e.g., poetry T3--1 . Add this to the base number, e.g., English poetry 821. If the work ... deals with or falls within a limited time period, the class number is complete."
7. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
822.3 Shakespeare, William (But this is talking about the man himself, rather than Romeo and Juliet)
Base number 82
T3--2 Drama
See Manual at T3--2 vs. T3--1
"Use T3--2 for poetic plays intended for theatrical presentation, such as the plays of Shakespeare"
822 (Remembering: "If the work is by or about an individual author ... the class number is complete (from T3--0)).
Come to think of it... it does make more sense to file works by Shakespeare together under his own little number... he is a rare author in which you can do that, so in trying to be too clever I got the wrong answer - it is:
822.3 Shakespeare, William!
Davis, S., & New, G. (1997). DDC 13 Workbook: a practical introduction to the
abridged Dewey Classification. (pp.1-75). Wagga Wagga, NSW :
Centre for Information Studies.
abridged Dewey Classification,
table 3,
Monday, October 3, 2011
Chapter 11, DDC 13 workbook
This was one of the examples that had me stumped for quite a while:
Public libraries in California
027.4 Public libraries
027[.4093-.4099] Treatment by specific … localities
Do not use; class in 027.43-027.49
027.43-.49 Treatment by specific … localities
Add to base number 027.4 notation 3-9 from Table 2,
e.g., public libraries in France 027.444
As instructed, we add notation 794 California from Table 2 to base number 027.4 to
arrive at 027.4794.
Eventually I realised what it was saying: The first part saying do not use; class in... is saying do not using the -09 link from table 1, but attach directly the subdivision of Table 2. I'm not sure why it took me so long to comprehend that but there you go!
I have learned about finding dates for things as well. You need to click on the links in the schedules to go down the heirarchy to see if the dates you need are there, whether it narrows down (for example I went hunting for Ireland from 1970 like it outlines in the workbook). Then it will provide you with a clearer Dewey number. You need to have the base number first though. That one I worked out by looking in table 2 for Ireland, and adding it to the base number 9 (so 941.5 for history of Ireland), then I browsed for this in the Dewey Numbers. I think I can do this...?
I need to remember (actually, I'm glad to know!), you can't make numbers up yourself, you have to find them already existing in the schedule.
Exercise 8: Number building: Adding geographic areas (Table 2)
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. A map of New York State
912 Maps
747 (Table 2)
Wow, I got it right, but it was a bit of a fluke, because I didn't check to see if I was supposed to put 09 first. When I went back and checked after realising this I found: "Add to base number 912 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., maps of Illinois 912.77", I just needed to click on the subdivision to find this. Apparently any map that isn't of the subject 'Geography and travel' has the notation from Table 2 attached straight on without the 09 from Table 1 - so that's something to keep in mind. I still need to double check these things as I go though!
Ok I will finish these later, as my cousin is here, and my brother is home, and I need to spend some quality time with them. Also it's 6.45 and we need to go shopping! Wow daylight savings mess with the mind...
2. Ancient Persian coins minted in Asia Minor
737.49 Coins of specific countries
3. Art museums in Washington, D.C.
708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine and decorative arts
708.1-708.9 Geographic treatment
708.13-708.19 United States
" Add to base number 708.1 the numbers following T2--7 in notation T2--73-T2--79 from Table 2 , e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in Pennsylvania 708.14"
73 United States
708.173 Which is not correct... but I will fix it tomorrow. Have to get up at 4am to catch a plane. Ew. Goodnight.
Ok, it's 10.30am and we are finally home and I can see if I can fix this... I'm going to try to do it myself again rather than following the answers...
708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine and decorative arts
708.13-708.19 United States (within Geographic treatment heirarchy)
"Add to base number 708.1 the numbers following T2--7 in notation T2--73-T2--79 from Table 2 , e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in Pennsylvania 708.148" (Pennsylvania is under T2--748)
T2--753 District of Columbia (Washington) (I had to look this up on Google and Wikipedia to know what to search for, and it wasn't where I thought it would be in the tables - it was under SouthEastern rather than NorthEastern).
708.153 (Whoohoo!)
This is taking way too long! I definitely need to get a move on today. I need to get everything done so that I can start on the assignment, because I only have a couple of days in which to do it now and am getting very worried... What a disjointed blog post!
4. Ancient paintings of India
750 Painting
759 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
759.9 Other geographic areas.
"Add to base number 759.9 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2"
T2--34 India (Ancient World) (I was wondering how I was going to cater for the ancient part of the equation! Was stoked when I found this in Table 2)
759.934 ( :) )
5. Travelling in the Himalayas
910 Geography and Travel
(910.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
910.91 Geography of and travel in areas, regions, places in general
Became not specific to topic)
(910.4 Accounts of travel and facilities for travelers)
910.2 Miscellany "Including world travel guides"
913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 91 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., geography of England 914.2 ; then add further as follows:"
"Historical, geographic, persons treatment Do not use; class in 913-919 without adding from this table"
T2--5496 Nepal
915.496 (Almost, just missed the end bit!)
From table at 913-919: 04 Travel
Lunchtime already! :-S
6. A guidebook to Spain
910.2 Miscellany
"Including world travel guides"
"Class guides to specific continents, countries, localities in 913-919 , plus notation 04 from table under 913-919 ."
913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 91 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 ... ; then add further as follows:
04 Travel Class here discovery, exploration; guidebook"
T2--46 Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands Spain
"Subdivisions are added for Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands, Spain together; for Iberian Peninsula alone; for Spain alone" (Not completely sure of the meaning of this... i.e. whether I am supposed to add a subdivision for Spain, and if so how to do it... I will just try by not subdividing it...)
914.604 (and it turns out that is correct!)
7. A telephone book for San Marino (Italian peninsula)
913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 91 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 ... ; then add further as follows:
0025 Directories of persons and organizations Class here city directories, telephone books"
-454 San Marino (Table 2)
914.540025 This seems too long to me, but I'm not sure how to abbreviate it... Yep, apparently it should just be 914.54, so notation is San Marino on the base number which puts it in Geography and Travel, and it is not clarified as a telephone book... I'm not sure how I should know when to stop with this, although I have in my head from the SCIS classfication document that 7 digits is as big as I should go. Let's see if this is clarified further as I continue with the exercises...
8. A national bibliography of Japan
010 Bibliography
T1--093-T1--099 Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number T1--09 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2... "
-52 Japan (Table 2)
Whoops I went off on the wrong track... completely missed that 015 is Bibliographies of works from specific places - it pays to check down the whole schedule at least to the third summary which I have in paper form...
015 Bibliographies and cataloges of work from specific places
"Add to base number 015 notation T2--1-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., works issued in Canada 015.71 ; however,
Do not add notation T1--01-T1--09 from Table 1 ; class in number for area"
9. Elementary education in India.
372 Elementary education
372[.109] Historical, geographic, persons treatment
"Do not use; class in 372.9"
372.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment of elementary education
"Add to base number 372.9 notation T2--1-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., elementary education in Brazil 372.981"
-54 South Asia India (Table 2)
Finally! I can't believe how long that took. I am glad I am writing everything down, it is helping me process my thoughts. I am sure I am putting anyone who may have been interested, off reading my blog though now. And I really feel like a nap... So sleepy! time to move on to Chapter 12 I think, before I fall asleep!
Public libraries in California
027.4 Public libraries
027[.4093-.4099] Treatment by specific … localities
Do not use; class in 027.43-027.49
027.43-.49 Treatment by specific … localities
Add to base number 027.4 notation 3-9 from Table 2,
e.g., public libraries in France 027.444
As instructed, we add notation 794 California from Table 2 to base number 027.4 to
arrive at 027.4794.
Eventually I realised what it was saying: The first part saying do not use; class in... is saying do not using the -09 link from table 1, but attach directly the subdivision of Table 2. I'm not sure why it took me so long to comprehend that but there you go!
I have learned about finding dates for things as well. You need to click on the links in the schedules to go down the heirarchy to see if the dates you need are there, whether it narrows down (for example I went hunting for Ireland from 1970 like it outlines in the workbook). Then it will provide you with a clearer Dewey number. You need to have the base number first though. That one I worked out by looking in table 2 for Ireland, and adding it to the base number 9 (so 941.5 for history of Ireland), then I browsed for this in the Dewey Numbers. I think I can do this...?
I need to remember (actually, I'm glad to know!), you can't make numbers up yourself, you have to find them already existing in the schedule.
Exercise 8: Number building: Adding geographic areas (Table 2)
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. A map of New York State
912 Maps
747 (Table 2)
Wow, I got it right, but it was a bit of a fluke, because I didn't check to see if I was supposed to put 09 first. When I went back and checked after realising this I found: "Add to base number 912 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., maps of Illinois 912.77", I just needed to click on the subdivision to find this. Apparently any map that isn't of the subject 'Geography and travel' has the notation from Table 2 attached straight on without the 09 from Table 1 - so that's something to keep in mind. I still need to double check these things as I go though!
Ok I will finish these later, as my cousin is here, and my brother is home, and I need to spend some quality time with them. Also it's 6.45 and we need to go shopping! Wow daylight savings mess with the mind...
2. Ancient Persian coins minted in Asia Minor
737.49 Coins of specific countries
By place of origin
"Add to base number 737.49 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., Roman coins minted in Egypt 737.493"
T2--39 Other parts of the ancient world
"Including... Asia minor"
737.4939 (Yay, another one right!)
"Add to base number 737.49 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., Roman coins minted in Egypt 737.493"
T2--39 Other parts of the ancient world
"Including... Asia minor"
737.4939 (Yay, another one right!)
3. Art museums in Washington, D.C.
708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine and decorative arts
708.1-708.9 Geographic treatment
708.13-708.19 United States
" Add to base number 708.1 the numbers following T2--7 in notation T2--73-T2--79 from Table 2 , e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in Pennsylvania 708.14"
73 United States
708.173 Which is not correct... but I will fix it tomorrow. Have to get up at 4am to catch a plane. Ew. Goodnight.
Ok, it's 10.30am and we are finally home and I can see if I can fix this... I'm going to try to do it myself again rather than following the answers...
708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine and decorative arts
708.13-708.19 United States (within Geographic treatment heirarchy)
"Add to base number 708.1 the numbers following T2--7 in notation T2--73-T2--79 from Table 2 , e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in Pennsylvania 708.148" (Pennsylvania is under T2--748)
T2--753 District of Columbia (Washington) (I had to look this up on Google and Wikipedia to know what to search for, and it wasn't where I thought it would be in the tables - it was under SouthEastern rather than NorthEastern).
708.153 (Whoohoo!)
This is taking way too long! I definitely need to get a move on today. I need to get everything done so that I can start on the assignment, because I only have a couple of days in which to do it now and am getting very worried... What a disjointed blog post!
4. Ancient paintings of India
750 Painting
759 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
759.9 Other geographic areas.
"Add to base number 759.9 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2"
T2--34 India (Ancient World) (I was wondering how I was going to cater for the ancient part of the equation! Was stoked when I found this in Table 2)
759.934 ( :) )
5. Travelling in the Himalayas
910 Geography and Travel
(910.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment
910.91 Geography of and travel in areas, regions, places in general
Became not specific to topic)
(910.4 Accounts of travel and facilities for travelers)
910.2 Miscellany "Including world travel guides"
913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 91 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., geography of England 914.2 ; then add further as follows:"
"Historical, geographic, persons treatment Do not use; class in 913-919 without adding from this table"
T2--5496 Nepal
915.496 (Almost, just missed the end bit!)
From table at 913-919: 04 Travel
Lunchtime already! :-S
6. A guidebook to Spain
910.2 Miscellany
"Including world travel guides"
"Class guides to specific continents, countries, localities in 913-919 , plus notation 04 from table under 913-919 ."
913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 91 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 ... ; then add further as follows:
04 Travel Class here discovery, exploration; guidebook"
T2--46 Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands Spain
"Subdivisions are added for Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands, Spain together; for Iberian Peninsula alone; for Spain alone" (Not completely sure of the meaning of this... i.e. whether I am supposed to add a subdivision for Spain, and if so how to do it... I will just try by not subdividing it...)
914.604 (and it turns out that is correct!)
7. A telephone book for San Marino (Italian peninsula)
913-919 Geography of and travel in ancient world and specific continents, countries, localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number 91 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2 ... ; then add further as follows:
0025 Directories of persons and organizations Class here city directories, telephone books"
-454 San Marino (Table 2)
914.540025 This seems too long to me, but I'm not sure how to abbreviate it... Yep, apparently it should just be 914.54, so notation is San Marino on the base number which puts it in Geography and Travel, and it is not clarified as a telephone book... I'm not sure how I should know when to stop with this, although I have in my head from the SCIS classfication document that 7 digits is as big as I should go. Let's see if this is clarified further as I continue with the exercises...
8. A national bibliography of Japan
010 Bibliography
T1--093-T1--099 Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
"Add to base number T1--09 notation T2--3-T2--9 from Table 2... "
-52 Japan (Table 2)
Whoops I went off on the wrong track... completely missed that 015 is Bibliographies of works from specific places - it pays to check down the whole schedule at least to the third summary which I have in paper form...
015 Bibliographies and cataloges of work from specific places
"Add to base number 015 notation T2--1-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., works issued in Canada 015.71 ; however,
Do not add notation T1--01-T1--09 from Table 1 ; class in number for area"
9. Elementary education in India.
372 Elementary education
372[.109] Historical, geographic, persons treatment
"Do not use; class in 372.9"
372.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment of elementary education
"Add to base number 372.9 notation T2--1-T2--9 from Table 2 , e.g., elementary education in Brazil 372.981"
-54 South Asia India (Table 2)
Finally! I can't believe how long that took. I am glad I am writing everything down, it is helping me process my thoughts. I am sure I am putting anyone who may have been interested, off reading my blog though now. And I really feel like a nap... So sleepy! time to move on to Chapter 12 I think, before I fall asleep!
Chapter 10, Exercise 7, Abridged DDC.
The workbook is telling me to refer to paragraphs 8.3-8.5 of the Abridged 13 Introduction, which I do not have, and have no idea how to find. I am not sure if I need to find it (have had a bit of a look) but am going to do my best to figure it out without it. I referred to the other introduction (of full DDC), and it was kind of relevant to what the workbook was saying, but not completely... We'll see how I go with this!
Exercise 7: Number building: Adding standard subdivisions
(Table 1)
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. An encyclopedia of cats
*Cat family 599.75
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 592-599 .
Standard subdivisions Notation from Table 1 as modified under 590.1-590.8 , e.g., animal watching 072, collections of living animals 073
T1: Class interdisciplinary encyclopedias in 030 ;
So 599.7503? I have a feeling I'm still rather clueless about this process... Well I guess I am! For a start, cats come under 636.8 (Animal Husbandry heirarchy).... grr to that. Let me try writing it the proper expected way following the answers. I actually think I understand it having looked at how it should be haha...
636.8 Cats
636.8001-636.8009 Standard subdivisions
-030 Class interdisciplinary encyclopedias (Table 1)
2. A serial on early Christian philosophy
190 Modern western and other non-eastern philosophy
" Class here comprehensive works on Christian philosophy..."
"For early and medieval Christian philosophy, medieval western and European philosophy , see 189 ."
189 Medieval western philosophy
"Class here early Christian philosophy "
-05 Serial publications (Table 1)
Wow! I pretty much wrote exactly what they wrote in their answers... it looks like I copied but I actually didn't... That's exciting! I wonder if I can do it again... :-S
3. Baseball official rules
796.357 Baseball
796.35701-796.35709 Standard subdivisions
-02 Miscellany (Table 1) "...patents, standards, statistics..." (really unsure about this one)
796.35702 Oh, that's right! Apparently "Miscellany" includes official rules! Although I did not see that there... I managed to guess the right one - whoohoo!
4. Coaching Canadian football
796.335 Canadian football
796.33501-796.33509 Standard subdivisions
-07 Education, research, related topics (Table 1) (Also I noticed an example under the Canadian football standard subdivisions note: "Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202-796.33207 , e.g., coaching 796.33507" which made me think -07)
796.33507 Apparently the decision should have been made on the note that I noticed anyway :) for once the notes between the workbook and WebDewey matched up!
5. An encyclopedia of microbiology
579 *Microorganisms, fungi, algae
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 579-580 .
"Standard subdivisions Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01-578.08 , e.g., collections of living organisms 073"
-03 interdisciplinary encyclopedias (Table 1)
579.03 (Yay another one right! still feeling a little unsure though, and like maybe some of it is luck...)
6. A history of horses
636.1 Equines Horses
636.1001-636.1009 Standard subdivisions
-09 Historical, geographic, persons treatment (Table 1)
636.1009 (Yes, another one right! I picked the right subdivision too :) )
7. A workbook on animal physiology.
571.1 Animals (under "physiology and related subjects" in the heirarchy)
No Standard subdivisions listed
"Workbook" not specifically listed in Table 1.
-03 interdisciplinary encyclopedias (Table 1) ??
571.103 Let's see... 571.1 is right :) Oh, of course, -07 is in relation to education...
And 076 is "Review and exercise" and states: " Including workbooks with problems, questions, answers..."
So: 571.1076
Chapter 11 here I come!
Exercise 7: Number building: Adding standard subdivisions
(Table 1)
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. An encyclopedia of cats
*Cat family 599.75
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 592-599 .
Standard subdivisions Notation from Table 1 as modified under 590.1-590.8 , e.g., animal watching 072, collections of living animals 073
T1: Class interdisciplinary encyclopedias in 030 ;
So 599.7503? I have a feeling I'm still rather clueless about this process... Well I guess I am! For a start, cats come under 636.8 (Animal Husbandry heirarchy).... grr to that. Let me try writing it the proper expected way following the answers. I actually think I understand it having looked at how it should be haha...
636.8 Cats
636.8001-636.8009 Standard subdivisions
-030 Class interdisciplinary encyclopedias (Table 1)
2. A serial on early Christian philosophy
190 Modern western and other non-eastern philosophy
" Class here comprehensive works on Christian philosophy..."
"For early and medieval Christian philosophy, medieval western and European philosophy , see 189 ."
189 Medieval western philosophy
"Class here early Christian philosophy "
-05 Serial publications (Table 1)
Wow! I pretty much wrote exactly what they wrote in their answers... it looks like I copied but I actually didn't... That's exciting! I wonder if I can do it again... :-S
3. Baseball official rules
796.357 Baseball
796.35701-796.35709 Standard subdivisions
-02 Miscellany (Table 1) "...patents, standards, statistics..." (really unsure about this one)
796.35702 Oh, that's right! Apparently "Miscellany" includes official rules! Although I did not see that there... I managed to guess the right one - whoohoo!
4. Coaching Canadian football
796.335 Canadian football
796.33501-796.33509 Standard subdivisions
-07 Education, research, related topics (Table 1) (Also I noticed an example under the Canadian football standard subdivisions note: "Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202-796.33207 , e.g., coaching 796.33507" which made me think -07)
796.33507 Apparently the decision should have been made on the note that I noticed anyway :) for once the notes between the workbook and WebDewey matched up!
5. An encyclopedia of microbiology
579 *Microorganisms, fungi, algae
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 579-580 .
"Standard subdivisions Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01-578.08 , e.g., collections of living organisms 073"
-03 interdisciplinary encyclopedias (Table 1)
579.03 (Yay another one right! still feeling a little unsure though, and like maybe some of it is luck...)
6. A history of horses
636.1 Equines Horses
636.1001-636.1009 Standard subdivisions
-09 Historical, geographic, persons treatment (Table 1)
636.1009 (Yes, another one right! I picked the right subdivision too :) )
7. A workbook on animal physiology.
571.1 Animals (under "physiology and related subjects" in the heirarchy)
No Standard subdivisions listed
"Workbook" not specifically listed in Table 1.
-03 interdisciplinary encyclopedias (Table 1) ??
571.103 Let's see... 571.1 is right :) Oh, of course, -07 is in relation to education...
And 076 is "Review and exercise" and states: " Including workbooks with problems, questions, answers..."
So: 571.1076
Chapter 11 here I come!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
DDC 13 Workbook Chapter 9
"Add to base number 016 notation 001-999, e.g., bibliographies of computer programs and software 016.0053 [formerly also 011.77 ], of general encyclopedic works 016.03 , of philosophy 016.1 , of novels 016.80883 , of general collected biographies 016.92"
This is quite cool. Where it says this in the notes, you can add the topics of the bibliography after the decimal point, therefore, a bibliography of biographies is at 016.92, because 016 is bibliographies and 920 is biographies. A bibliography of works on philosophy would be 016.1 because philosophy is 10(0). If the other schedule number has numbers after the decimal point, we need to include those, but leave out the decimal point. So 016 and 808.83 becomes 016.80883.
I am learning about the breaking up of the numbers too. Looking at philosophy when browsing the numbers using WebDewey, you can see that the second zero is shaded out. I'm not quite sure how to explain with words why this is, but I do understand it... It is to to with that being its base number - the 1 in the hundreds column represents the philosophy & psychology section, the 0 in the tens column represents philosophy (if it were a 5 in the tens column we would be going down the psychology track). The 0 in the units column isn't representing anything at this point because we are referring to the genral category of philosophy... not sure if that explains it clearly, but I do understand it!
Ok, time for Exercise 6...
Exercise 6: Number building: Combining schedule numbers
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. A subject bibliography on elementary education
016 bibliographies, 372 Elementary education, therefore 016.372
2. Practice teaching geography at the secondary level
Geography 910,
After a lot of hunting for teaching and secondary level, under 375 Curricula: "For curricula of a specific subject for a specific level other than elementary level and for more than one level , see the subject, plus notation T1--071 from Table 1 , e.g., curricula for health 613.071 ; "
373.910? or 910.373? 373 being Secondary Education... Teaching is 371.102.....
Ok so having studied the answer.... Education tells us this: "Class comprehensive works on education in a specific subject and on secondary, higher, and adult education in a specific subject with the subject, plus notation T1--071 from Table 1 , e.g., education in science 507.1 ", so I have to put Geography first (910) then combine it with 071 from table 1 (which I kind of explored and found even though I haven't learned about the tables yet...), so the answer is 910.071... no, it's 910.71. I really need to learn about these tables. Feeling frustrated about the order in which it is working through these things expecting me to apply things I have not learned yet! Grrr... Ok on to the next one.
3. Patriotic instrumental music
784 Instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music
781.599 Patriotic, political, military music
so 784.781599....? GRRRRR... It reverted to the full version of WebDewey, no wonder I was confused... Patriotic music is 781.5, so it would be 784.7815...?
But wait! Under 780 Music it says this: Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more subdivisions of 780 in the number coming last , e.g., sacred vocal music 782.2 (not 781.7 ), so that would make it 784... But wait, apparently I need to look out for "interesting subdivisions" because if I go down to the subdivision "General principles of instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music", there is a note: "Add to base number 784.1 the numbers following 781 in 781.1-781.7 , e.g., performance techniques 784.14 " which means that I can take the numbers after 781 of patriotic music and add it to the 784 of intrumental ensembles, to get 784.5... no, it has to be added to 784.1 because that is the subdivision we got down to and it applies to the topic, so combining 784.1 General principles, musical forms, instruments with 781.5 Patriotic music creates 784.15! Finally!!
4. History of the British Isles in Norman times.
941 British Isles
941.02-941.05 Norman period through House of Tudor period, 1066-1603
Note: "Add to base number 941.0 the numbers following 942.0 in 942.02-942.05 , e.g., period of House of Tudor 941.05"
This is quite cool. Where it says this in the notes, you can add the topics of the bibliography after the decimal point, therefore, a bibliography of biographies is at 016.92, because 016 is bibliographies and 920 is biographies. A bibliography of works on philosophy would be 016.1 because philosophy is 10(0). If the other schedule number has numbers after the decimal point, we need to include those, but leave out the decimal point. So 016 and 808.83 becomes 016.80883.
I am learning about the breaking up of the numbers too. Looking at philosophy when browsing the numbers using WebDewey, you can see that the second zero is shaded out. I'm not quite sure how to explain with words why this is, but I do understand it... It is to to with that being its base number - the 1 in the hundreds column represents the philosophy & psychology section, the 0 in the tens column represents philosophy (if it were a 5 in the tens column we would be going down the psychology track). The 0 in the units column isn't representing anything at this point because we are referring to the genral category of philosophy... not sure if that explains it clearly, but I do understand it!
Ok, time for Exercise 6...
Exercise 6: Number building: Combining schedule numbers
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. A subject bibliography on elementary education
016 bibliographies, 372 Elementary education, therefore 016.372
2. Practice teaching geography at the secondary level
Geography 910,
After a lot of hunting for teaching and secondary level, under 375 Curricula: "For curricula of a specific subject for a specific level other than elementary level and for more than one level , see the subject, plus notation T1--071 from Table 1 , e.g., curricula for health 613.071 ; "
373.910? or 910.373? 373 being Secondary Education... Teaching is 371.102.....
Ok so having studied the answer.... Education tells us this: "Class comprehensive works on education in a specific subject and on secondary, higher, and adult education in a specific subject with the subject, plus notation T1--071 from Table 1 , e.g., education in science 507.1 ", so I have to put Geography first (910) then combine it with 071 from table 1 (which I kind of explored and found even though I haven't learned about the tables yet...), so the answer is 910.071... no, it's 910.71. I really need to learn about these tables. Feeling frustrated about the order in which it is working through these things expecting me to apply things I have not learned yet! Grrr... Ok on to the next one.
3. Patriotic instrumental music
784 Instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music
781.599 Patriotic, political, military music
so 784.781599....? GRRRRR... It reverted to the full version of WebDewey, no wonder I was confused... Patriotic music is 781.5, so it would be 784.7815...?
But wait! Under 780 Music it says this: Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more subdivisions of 780 in the number coming last , e.g., sacred vocal music 782.2 (not 781.7 ), so that would make it 784... But wait, apparently I need to look out for "interesting subdivisions" because if I go down to the subdivision "General principles of instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music", there is a note: "Add to base number 784.1 the numbers following 781 in 781.1-781.7 , e.g., performance techniques 784.14 " which means that I can take the numbers after 781 of patriotic music and add it to the 784 of intrumental ensembles, to get 784.5... no, it has to be added to 784.1 because that is the subdivision we got down to and it applies to the topic, so combining 784.1 General principles, musical forms, instruments with 781.5 Patriotic music creates 784.15! Finally!!
4. History of the British Isles in Norman times.
941 British Isles
941.02-941.05 Norman period through House of Tudor period, 1066-1603
Note: "Add to base number 941.0 the numbers following 942.0 in 942.02-942.05 , e.g., period of House of Tudor 941.05"
941.02 Great Britain --1066- 1154, Norman Period
Therefore: 941.02
Yay, I got one right all by myself! :D
Time to pack for my weekend away...
Wrapping my head around Abridged WebDewey some more
Exercise 5: Preference order
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. Behaviour of poisonous animals
590 I worked out from the summary. Then I was not sure (suspected "Specific topics in natural history"), so I looked up poinsonous animals in WebDewey, searching the Relative Index. It came up with "Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of animals" under the heading I suspected. 591.6. It says that standard subdivisions can be added as to 591, but I'm not sure how to do that yet... Whoops, I also need to look up animal behaviour before I make my decision. 591.5 looks at behaviour. Common number is 591. Looking at 591 it says... Behaviour is first in the table of preference. Therefore the class for a text about behaviour of poisonous animals would be 591.5.
2. A bibliography of works written and published in Russia by Jewish authors (013 or
This has changed I think, because I looked up 015 and the note said: "Class bibliographies and catalogs of works of specific kinds of persons resident in specific places in 011.8 ." and when I went to that link, it said "Class here general catalogs of works by specific kinds of authors [formerly 013 ], general bibliographies of works by minorities". Oh of course it's changed, it said that in the module... So 0.118 is the correct category.
3. Punishment for murder.
Used summaries to find 345 Criminal Law.
Browsed for "murder" in the Relative Index. Homicide 364.152
Select appropriate numbers for the following topics:
1. Behaviour of poisonous animals
590 I worked out from the summary. Then I was not sure (suspected "Specific topics in natural history"), so I looked up poinsonous animals in WebDewey, searching the Relative Index. It came up with "Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of animals" under the heading I suspected. 591.6. It says that standard subdivisions can be added as to 591, but I'm not sure how to do that yet... Whoops, I also need to look up animal behaviour before I make my decision. 591.5 looks at behaviour. Common number is 591. Looking at 591 it says... Behaviour is first in the table of preference. Therefore the class for a text about behaviour of poisonous animals would be 591.5.
2. A bibliography of works written and published in Russia by Jewish authors (013 or
This has changed I think, because I looked up 015 and the note said: "Class bibliographies and catalogs of works of specific kinds of persons resident in specific places in 011.8 ." and when I went to that link, it said "Class here general catalogs of works by specific kinds of authors [formerly 013 ], general bibliographies of works by minorities". Oh of course it's changed, it said that in the module... So 0.118 is the correct category.
3. Punishment for murder.
Used summaries to find 345 Criminal Law.
Browsed for "murder" in the Relative Index. Homicide 364.152
Browsed for "punishment" in the Relative Index.
"Punishment (Law)"led to 345 Criminal Law which said Including
criminal jurisdictions, ... punishment". Therefore 345 would be the category?
Nope, not even close. Apparently "penology" is the category for punishment. Penology is 364.6. The answer says there is a preference table at... OH, I FOUND IT! "A table of preference turns up under 364, the place we have learned to check first." I guess I've learned that now! The table of preferences are at the base numbers... Go back to the number they have in common to find it. The table of pref says that penology comes before criminal offences, so 364.6 is the correct category!
And that is that for that exercise... and Chapter 8. Onto Chapter 9 I go... :)
Reference: Davis, S., & New, G. (1997). DDC 13 Workbook: a practical introduction to the
abridged Dewey Classification. (pp.1-75). Wagga Wagga, NSW :
Centre for Information Studies.
abridged Dewey Classification. (pp.1-75). Wagga Wagga, NSW :
Centre for Information Studies.
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