Thursday, October 6, 2011

More of Module 6

Ok, so maybe a few more questions before I get stuck into the assignment (I am perhaps a little scared of the assignment questions?)...

Exercise 22
Using ADDC14 or DDC 22 create the classification number for ‘School libraries in Wagga Wagga’. Then truncate, if necessary, your classification number to SCIS standards following the guidelines in 3:D4. The answer is at the end of the module.

027.8 *School libraries
027.8093-027.8099 Treatment by specific continents, countries, localities
"Class specific institutions in 027.8 ."
-944 New South Wales (Table 2)
This is WAY too long. Would have to cut off the 44, so it is just specific to "other parts of the world"
Now to check it... Oh dear I am not sure what I've done. Not only did I not truncate it enough, but I had too many 9s in there... let me double check... Oh, I put 994 instead of 944 but I've changed it now, so you shouldn't get confused until I start saying that I did it wrong...
Apparently I should not have gone to NSW with the abridged version (which I suspected, but couldn't remember where I saw that), so 027.80994 (to Australia).
Truncation though... should have been:

Wow, I just learned something that had been bugging me before! :)
Standard subdivisions should only be applied to works which cover or approximate the whole of the subject (SCIS Classification Ch 3), and THE WAY TO TELL THIS is by the notes... If it is the title of the number then that's obvious, but if it is listed in the notes as "class here", then it is considered to approximate the whole (DDC 22 Introduction , 7.16).

Ok, I've been reading up about the SCIS standards for classification (Chapter 3 of SCIS standards for cataloguing and data entry)

From the module: "To use these standards you should first locate the relevant classification number in ADDC14 or DDC22. Then check to see if there are SCIS decisions relating to that classification number or parts of that classification number, e.g. tables used. If there are they must be followed."Then make sure that none of the other aspects of this SCIS document apply to the numbers in question.

Exercise 23
Determine the classification number which would be assigned to items on the following subjects using DDC22 or ADDC14 and the SCIS interpretations and decisions on these standards. Answers are at the end of the module.

a. An American English language general encyclopaedia
030 General encyclopaedic works
(I am actually really confused about this one... I'm not sure what to do...)
Oh, SCIS standards, 3:E9 "all English-language encyclopaedias are classed at 030"

b. Model kite making
Manual 745.5928 (Lots of information about which class to go for...)
629.133 Aircraft types
"Including airplanes, airships (dirigibles), balloons, gliders, helicopters, kites and their models and miniatures"
SCIS standards: "Class the making of toy kites in 745.592"
745.592 Models and miniatures

c.William Shakespeare’s love poems
822.3 William Shakespeare
-1 Poetry (Table 3)
SCIS standards, p. 3-33: "822.3: Book numbers for works by or about Shakespeare will consist of the first three letters of the main entry heading."
So, 822.3.. and then letters? No, I don't think so.
According to the answers, it should be just 822 - English Poetry. This clashes with what I was told by the workbook and I am very confused by it. But I have looked at the assignment questions and Shakespeare is not mentioned, so I am going to move on...
Note: Clarified in forum - 822.3 is a Drama subdivision, the subject here was poetry! :)

d. Aboriginal mythology
SCIS standards 3:D6 "To give emphasis and a shorter number to religion, spirituality and creation stories of the Australian Aboriginal peoples, the permanently unassigned number 298 is used"
3:E11 "298 Class here religion, spirituality and creation stories of the Australian Aboriginal peoples."

e.Adopted children
306.874 Parent-child relationship (Relative Index)
"Including ... adopted children ..."
No SCIS decision, so:
f. Teaching reasoning and problem solving
371.102 Teaching
153.4 Thought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment
"Including problem solving"
-071 Education (Table 1)
"Class here curricula, study (education), teaching"
SCIS standards, 3:E10: "153.4 - Avoid using, unless the work is clearly a work of psychology. Class ‘how to’ works on thinking skills and works on teaching reasoning and problem-solving at 160."
160 (the statement above indicates that no further subdivision is required).

g. Eucalyptus trees
SCIS standards, 3:E14 - "582.16 p. 547 Do not use this number for works on specific kinds of trees. Prefer 583–588. For example, Eucalyptus 583."
583 (Because apparently Eucalyptus trees are dicots... you learn something every day :-S)

h. Henry Lawson’s poetry
821 English poetry (found through summaries)
SCIS standards: 3E:17 "820.1–828 para. 4 p. 750
Distinguish English-language literature of Australia by the initial letter A and of New Zealand by the letters NZ. Do not distinguish English-language literatures of any other country."
A821(with maybe a little help from the answers cos I went off completely on the wrong track...)

i. The architecture of castles in Spain
690 Buildings (from summaries)
-09 Historical, geographic, persons treatment  (Table 1)
-46 Iberian Peninsula and adjacent islands    Spain (Table 2)
WRONG TRACK Good lesson - to check all the links to the manual...
720 Architecture
725 Public structures
"Class comprehensive works on castles in 728.8"
728.8 Large and elaborate private dwellings
"Including palaces, comprehensive works on architecture of castles" (which does approximate the whole doesn't it, so we could use the whole thing? Oh, no it doesn't! It says "including", not "class here")
So: it cannot be subdivided further.728.8
j. Birds of Australia.
598 †Birds
"† Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 592-599 ..."
592-599 "Treatment by areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical regions Do not use; class in base number without use of notation from Table 1"
(I interpreted this as meaning don't put 09 in the number, but perhaps this is not the case? If not, what does it mean? Is it only talking about areas in general, not specific areas?)
-94 Australia (Table 2)
Nothing in SCIS standards.
598.94 (Apparently it is 598.0994 according to the answers)

I have asked about the last one on the forum. Now it is time for dinner - I'm starving!

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