As we said when we were girl guides. Though now I ask you to be prepared for an onslaught of seemingly random thoughts and ideas, as I rapidly progress through my readings in order to rapidly progess through my assignments.
Firstly focussing on 'Information Environment', with that assignment being due... very soon...
Three key factors I think a primary school teacher librarian would need to take into account before providing an information service to teachers:
- How the teachers would like that information provided - with busy schedules, it's going to be important that teachers feel that they are being helped, not just having more of their time consumed. What actions will make teachers feel that the TL is saving them time by providing them with information? What can the TL say to make this clear?
- What information teachers want - It is important that as professionals we continue to expand our knowledge of our field; as such, things like professional journals and new information on teaching/learning are important, but once again these can be time consuming. The TL needs to find out which information is important to which teachers, and to inform them appropriately as they find articles/information, rather than just throwing whatever they find at everyone.
- The TL would particularly need to take into account the attitudes of the teachers - how they percieve the role of the TL. They may need to clarify their position and capabilities to the teachers as a whole, and to outline just what they can do to help them. If the role that they wish to play is not clear, this could end up with frustration in both camps: The TL frustrated that the teachers do not seem to respect them in their role and are not making the most of such a great resource, the teachers feeling that the TL is not available as a resource as they have not made their commitment clear and have not clarified what they can do to help.
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