Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Search strategies

Apparently I have a lot to learn about search engines and strategies to use with them. I have to admit I'm a Google user, and don't know enough about alternatives and their advantages at this stage to get the best search results. The strategies I use to search for things using a search engine are also limited.

Herring suggests this is something that teacher librarians need to constantly work on, and that we need to research and read reviews on different search engines on a regular basis. He makes a good point - as an information specialist, we should be more than competent at searching for information, and should be able to support teachers and students in doing so. How can we be the people they turn to for help if we do not know much ourselves in this area?

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Jess re search strategies. That is why I found 501 assignment so hard. How can I critically analyse my searc hstrategies when they are not much past googling everything. Hope you got your assignments in. Good luck with your results.
