Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ETL503 Assignment 2

I have finished assignment 2 for ETL503. I feel like I put a lot of effort into it, but that perhaps I could have put more in. It has left me exhausted though. Well something has. Perhaps it's the weather. Perhaps there is something wrong with me. I just do not feel like doing anything. I feel weak and like curling up and reading a book. I now have another entire assignment to write in less than a week so I really hope I can get myself into gear soon...

I am really unsure as to how I went with the assignment. I know I was way over the word limit (and perhaps less worried about that fact than I should have been...). I do not feel confident that I completely understood what was expected of me. I think the task was one that required a lot of interpretation, I just hope I interpreted it how the person who is going to mark it will interpret it...! I was more careful this time to pay attention to what the outline was asking for, to ensure that I covered all the elements of the assessment.

I found it really challenging to start with a document and to change it. It was hard to know how much work you had to go, and it was difficult to decide what to change, what to delete and what to leave at times. I feel that perhaps I went around it the wrong way and should have clearly outlined what I wanted in the document for myself before adjusting the policy I was given to work with, rather that starting with that policy itself. To do this ideally though I would have needed to give myself more time. I really hope that I can stick to my intentions next semester and keep on top of the coursework so that I am prepared when assignment times come around...

Anyway I had better get stuck into this next assignment, lots to do! I hope the motivation and energy levels increase as I go...

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