Sunday, August 21, 2011

An activity for Module 5


Visit Metadata and use the find facility in your web browser (e.g., in Internet Explorer use Ctrl+F) to search on the word Warwick. The result from this search lead you to three kinds of occurrences of the word Warwick.

What are they?
"Warwick Framework": a model for handling metadata; "Warwick University"; "Paper given by Dr. Warwick Cathro".
Were the results of this search very precise?
They were precise in that they found the word "Warwick", but they had no concept of meaning, so if I were looking for this word within a particular context it may have been an issue.

You might also like to use the find facility to search on other web pages which contain a lot of text, and identify the kinds of issues which arise.

I went to and did a search for the word "Google". It came up with "Google" in all sorts of contexts (Google+, Google search engine, Google Scholar...). Then I got distracted reading all the interesting things about Google and had to make sure I had Google Scholar set up properly... I think I get the idea about the search function and the idea of a full-text search. It's a handy thing, but if it's a common word in a large document/web page then it could be more trouble than it's worth. I wonder what we can do to make it more specific...?

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