Sunday, July 24, 2011

Controlled vocabularies

Still wrapping my mind around the idea of controlled vocabularies (I am possibly trying to make it more complicated than it needs to be), and when/how they are used, but I am pretty confident I can complete the activity below...


Locate the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) online. (Hint: either use a web search engine, or locate it from Michael Middleton’s Controlled vocabularies website.)

Assign terms from this thesaurus to:

1. a book about the architecture of castles
2. a journal article about sculptures of indigenous Australian animals

Using this Thesaurus, it was interesting to note the heirarchy display (by clicking on the symbol to the left of each result). From suggestions made in the forum, I am gathering that we need to be as specific as possible rather than including overarching terms. Because of this, there may only be one term... I think this is ok!

- castles (fortifications)

- constructions (sculpture)
- assemblages (sculpture)
- sculpture (visual work)
- statues

Ok that will do. This could be quite time consuming if you let it be. Also I have stared at the word sculpture for too long, and now it looks strange...

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