Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Recent and relevant evidence-based research articles"

I am struggling with the activity steps for EER500. Mainly because step 2 (which is where I am currently treading water) involved finding relevant articles. To be specific: "Recent and relevant evidence-based research articles". Every time I read what I am supposed to be doing, I once again start to wonder if I am on the right track. What is evidence-based research? I am worried that some of the articles I have found are not research as such, rather discussions or sharing of knowledge, or based on what others have said... not research. And what is relevant? How broad am I thinking? I think I am making it worse for myself by starting to think about step 3 - starting to formulate my research question.

I think the best thing to do right now is to focus on step 2, find as many articles as I can (I will give myself a time limit) that relate to the initial article I found, then tomorrow I will look at what I have collected and narrow it down to three.

Once that is done, I will worry about whether the question I thought of is too broad, and if so how I can narrow it down.

Typing it out helps me to think :)

1 comment:

  1. I have a long list of articles (most of which I unfortunately forgot to bookmark to Diigo, for some reason sticking with the old method of cutting and pasting to Microsoft Word and writing notes... silly me). Tomorrow I will look through them to work out which are most suitable, perhaps checking with Bev (my lecturer). It is a slow process when it comes to finding references, as usual.
