Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Slow progress

I am not sure how to feel so far this week. Overall I am getting more anxious/edgy each day as I do not complete my quota of study hours (4 per day to begin with). I am keeping a tally on the wall so that I can keep track of the hours spent on each subject each week. I am not sure if this will be a positive tool in the long run or not - I will keep you posted. It does not help that Mondays and Saturdays are my regular work days - would be nice to have a good start to the study week... I am sure I will get a system going eventually!

On a positive note, I spoke to Judy, my ETL523 lecturer tonight on Neatchat, and she is lovely. I feel like I am going to have the support I need in that subject, and that it might even be much more interesting than the impression I got from the outline given when I was umming and ahhing about which subject to choose - it's looking like I have made the right decision after all. She also introduced me to Meebo, which she as embedded into the blog (which is embedded into Interact, our study platform) - very clever. Learning about new things every time I sit down and focus it seems.

I managed to do a little bit of work following the study schedule for EER500, completing steps 4 and 5 of the library tutorial, and learned how to use EBSCOhost and Informit (libary databases) more effectively through the CSU library - this page in particular will be very useful in the future (I wish I had known about it earlier).

But for now I am going to have to leave further exploration of these exciting new pieces of knowledge until tomorrow, as it is I am going to be sleep deprived...

(PS - sentence structure: should I have phrased the clause, 'as it is I am going to be sleep deprived' like I did, or: 'I am going to be sleep deprived as it is'? The emphasis is on 'as it is' when you read it (if that makes sense).

Oh the irony of spending time wondering about a clause about sleep deprivation...

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